The star studded function marked the launch of the music track of 'Pirivom Santhipom' held in Santham Cinemas in Chennai on December 9. Vijay and Prabhu Deva released the audio. Rama Narayanan, Kaliapili G. Sekaran, Abhirami Ramanathan, Parthiban, Madhavan, Vidyasagar, and Dharani, were among the dignitaries who graced the occasion.
Vijay, who is known for brief speech in public forum, delivered a relatively longer one. He was all in praise for Cheran, for his distinguished efforts to make good films. He also expressed his willingness to act in Cheran’s film.
Cheran revealed that he could not make a film featuring Vijay despite the fact that the star had given him call sheet for a movie titled 'Pokkisham'. “The delay in making the Autograph was the reason for not being able to make use of his call sheet”, said Cheran. He too expressed his eager to direct Vijay. “I want the Tamil people to see you in a different profile”.
Parthiban’s speech was full of praise on the film and the heroine Sneha. We could see Sneha blushing while Parthiban went on heaping laurels on her beauty and her amazing smile. He also had some words to praise for Cheran for his dedication, down to earth attitude, and hard work.
The song screened in the function portrayed a grand marriage of family belonging to Karaikkudi Chettiyar community. Abhirami Ramanathan revealed that he too belonged to the community and requested everyone belonging to the community to view the film.
The Vidyasagar musical has the stamp of his melody. The film will hit the halls on Pongal.
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