Yash Raj Films' Kabul Express has been invited to be a part of Africa's most prestigious film festival - the Casablanca Film festival. The third edition of the festival, Casa Cine, takes place from October 31 to November 6, Casa Cine will also give a special tribute to actor jhon abraham (following on the heels of the huge success of the tribute to Rani Mukerji in 2005), French actor and filmmaker Roschdy Zen Morrocan filmmaker Saad Chraibi and egyptian actress Nelly Karim. Kabul Express, the screening of which forms part of the tribute to jhon, was released in india in December 2006 and got wide critical acclaim.
With a selection of 73 films, including features, documentaries and children films, shown in six different cinemas of the city of Casablaca,Cine will present 20 Moroccan films, 20 european film, 10 films from the US and 10 films from Asia.
Along with a selection of movies awarded at the most prestigious festivals, the film will be screened on the November 3 at the cinema Sidi Moumen. A screening of another Yash Raj Film, Dhoom will be organised on November 4 at the cinema Le Mirage.
With a selection of 73 films, including features, documentaries and children films, shown in six different cinemas of the city of Casablaca,Cine will present 20 Moroccan films, 20 european film, 10 films from the US and 10 films from Asia.
Along with a selection of movies awarded at the most prestigious festivals, the film will be screened on the November 3 at the cinema Sidi Moumen. A screening of another Yash Raj Film, Dhoom will be organised on November 4 at the cinema Le Mirage.
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